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MINUTES- 03-13-2014
“Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law, M.G.L. Chapter 30A ss. 18-25, and
City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.”

Assistive Listening System Now Available for City Council Meetings.
Those interested in utilizing these devices for meetings at 93 Washington Street may contact the City Clerk Cheryl LaPointe at 978-619-5610 or

A Regular Meeting of the City Council held in the Council Chamber on Thursday,
March 13, 2014 at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of transacting any and all business. Notice of this meeting was posted on March 06, 2014 at 4:34 P.M.  This meeting is being taped and is live on S.A.T.V.   

       All Councillors were present.

       Council President  McCarthy presided.

Councillor Furey moved to dispense with the reading of the record of the previous meeting. It was so voted.

President McCarthy requested that everyone please rise to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.




A hearing was held on the Discontinuance of a portion of Union Street starting at Derby Street for a distance of 174.80 feet on the westerly side, the public hearing was continued to April 10, 2014.

Appearing in favor was:

Mr. Tony Sasso, Chief operation manager for MR Rockett Management and Waterfront Hotel.  He stated that there is a public safety issue on the portion of Union Street due to flooding and sewer problems. At times they had to use a plow to move the water to the storm drain.

Councillor Sargent asked if this was about the Waterfront Hotel.

Mr. Sasso stated no.

Councillor O’Keefe stated that Union Street used to have coal piles and an oil company at the end of the street.

        Councillor O’Keefe assumed the chair.

Councillor McCarthy stated that he has discussed the problems with Mr. Sasso .He asked if the Solicitor could address about the abutter notices, did they get sent out?

Solicitor Rennard stated three things happen when this is discontinued, the city obligation ends so we no longer maintain the street, it is no longer owned by the city, and the abutters own to the center line. Mr. Anil Mezini did not respond to the abutter notice and he owns the Russian Club. I ask if the public hearing can be continued.

Councillor McCarthy stated no one knew this was a city street, we thought it was part of Pickering Wharf. Parking spaces marked no parking would fall on the Rocketts  responsibility.
The Rocketts want to repair and enhance this area and solve the flooding problem. This is all contingent on what is done tonight. Notices were  sent out but not everyone has responded by getting green cards back to the City Clerk.

Mr. Sasso stated there is no intent to cause a problem. We want to sit down with the Russian Club owner to let him know there is no liability to him.

Councillor Famico stated the owner of the Russian Club is out of the country, he is in Mexico.

Councillor Legault stated that he would like to follow up on the statement made regarding the parking spots. He said that these parking spaces never generated much revenue. He will support to move forward.

City Engineer David Knowlton stated that he would echo Mr. Sasso regarding the drainage issues. It has been a struggle to deal with and this is the best solution and he stated he would support this.

Councillor Eppley to follow up the solicitor could there be liability to the city if we don’t continue the public hearing and approve this an indemnification of the City?

Solicitor Rennard stated if we close the public hearing and approve  this contingent on an indemnity.

Councillor Sargent stated this has been going on for a long time, to hold off and take this up in a couple of weeks shouldn’t be a problem. This is like negotiating a purchase and sale without a party a being here.

Councillor McCarthy asked what is the will of the body?

Councillor Siegel state he agrees with Councillor Sargent we need to wait and not close the public hearing.

Councillor Famico stated the owner of the Russian Club will be back on March 24, 2014.

A motion was made to continue the public hearing until April 10, 2014. Seconded by Councillor Eppley. All were in favor.


Held from last meeting, Mayor’s appt. of Rosalia Velazquez to serve as the City of Salem’s Director of the Council on Aging with a term to expire on January 31, 2016, was confirmed by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.

Councillor O’Keefe requested and received unanimous consent for suspension of the rules to allow Ms. Velazquez to speak.


The Mayor’s reappointment of Julie Carver to serve as a member of the Council on Aging with a term to expire on March 1, 2017, was confirmed by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.


The Mayor’s reappointment of Timothy Ready and Benjamin Anderson to serve as members of the Salem Planning Board with terms to expire on March 1, 2019, was confirmed by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.


The Mayor’s reappointment of Helen Sides to serve as a member of the Design Review Board with a term to expire on March 1, 2017, was confirmed by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.


The Mayor’s reappointment of Charles Barton to serve as a member of the Board of Registrars of Voters with a term to expire on March 1, 2017, was confirmed by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.


The Mayor’s reappointment of Judge Thaddeus Buczko to serve as a member of the Salem Trust Fund Commission with a term to expire on March 1, 2026, was confirmed by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.


The Mayor’s reappointment of Ruthanne Davis to serve as a Constable with a term to expire on February 6, 2017, was received and placed on file.

The following Order recommended by the Mayor was Adopted under suspension of the rules.

ORDERED: That the sum of Sixty-Six Thousand Five Hundred and Five Dollars and Five Cents ($66,505.05) is hereby appropriated from “Retirement Stabilization Fund Vacation / Sick Leave Buyback” account to be expended for the retirement buybacks as listed below in accordance with the recommendation of Her Honor the Mayor.

        Joan Gillissen          $15,077.52
        Lynn Lavoie                       21,912.33
        Ronald Oro                        29,515.20


The following Order recommended by the Mayor was Adopted under suspension of the rules.

ORDERED: That the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand, Three Hundred and Four Dollars ($25,304.00)
Is hereby appropriated within the “Capital Outlay – Renovation & Repair” account to be expended for repair of the Museum Place and South Harbor garages in accordance with the recommendation of Her Honor the Mayor.


The following Order recommended by the Mayor was Adopted under suspension of the rules.

ORDERED: That the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) is hereby appropriated from the “Fund Balance – Free Cash” account to the “Fire – Equipment Repair” account in accordance with the recommendation of Her Honor the Mayor.


The following Order recommended by the Mayor was Adopted under suspension of the rules.

ORDERED: That the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) is hereby appropriated from the  “Fund Balance – Free Cash” account to the “Fire – Building Maintenance” account in accordance with the recommendation of Her Honor the Mayor.


        The following Order recommended by the Mayor was adopted by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.

ORDERED: That the City of Salem hereby accepts a supplemental allowance for widows of accidental or ordinary disability retirees, pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 32 Section 101, and thereby increases their minimum from $6,000 per year to $9,000 per year.


The following Order recommended by the Mayor, was adopted by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.


Be it hereby resolved by the Salem City Council, as follows:

Having convened in an open meeting on March 13, 2014, prior to the closing date, the Salem City Council, in accordance with its charter and ordinances, hereby votes to authorized the Superintendent of Schools to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest Form that will be submitted to the MSBA by no later than April 11, 2014, for consideration in FY2014 for the Salem High School located at 77 Willson Street, Salem, Massachusetts which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which an application may be submitted to the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the future.

The following priorities have been included in the Statement of Interest:

No. 1: Replacement or renovation of a building which is structurally unsound or otherwise in a condition seriously jeopardizing the health and safety of school children, where no alternative exists.

No.5: Replacement renovation or modernization of school facility systems, such as roofs, windows, boilers, heating and ventilation systems, to increase energy conservation and decrease energy related costs in a school facility.

No.7:  Replacement of or addition to obsolete buildings in order to provide a full range of complete consistent with state and approved local requirements.

And hereby further specifically acknowledges that  by submitting this Statement of Interest Form, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the City/Town/Regional School District to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority.


        The following Ordinance recommended by the Mayor was adopted for first passage by unanimous roll call vote of 11 yeas, 0 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative.

In the year two thousand and fourteen

An ordinance to amend an ordinance relative to zoning

Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Salem as follows:

Section 1.  Section 8.1.2 Definitions is hereby amended by deleting in its entirety the definition of “Flood Hazard District” within paragraph 2(a) and replacing it with the following:

“2.     Flood Hazard District Boundaries, and Floodway and Base Flood Elevation Data

  • Flood Hazard District. The FHOD is herein established as an overlay district.  The FHOD includes all special flood hazard areas within the City of Salem designated as ZoneA, AE, or VE on the Essex Council Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the administration of the National Flood Insurance Program.  The map panels of the Essex County FIRM that are wholly or partially within the City of Salem are panel numbers 25009C; 0414F and 527F, dated July 3, 2012; and panel numbers  25009C:  0416G, 0417G, 0418G, 0419G, 0436G, 0437G, 0438G, 0439G, 0441G, 0442G, 0443G, 0531G, 0532G, and 0552G, dated July 16, 2014. The exact boundaries of the District may be defined by the 100- year base flood elevations shown on the FIRM and further defined by the Essex County Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report dated July 16, 2014. The FIRM and FIS report are incorporated herein by reference and are on file with the Department of Planning and Community Development.”
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect as provided by City Charter.

Councillor O’Keefe recused himself and left the Council Chambers due to Conflict of Interest.

Councillor Famico stated there may be the appearance of a Conflict of Interest regarding the following agenda item as she has a relative on the Police force.

Councillor Sargent stated there may be the appearance of a Conflict of Interest regarding the following agenda item as he has a brother in law on the force.


        The following Ordinance recommended by the Mayor, was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

In the year two thousand and fourteen

An Ordinance relative to the qualifications, selection and appointment of the City Marshal

Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Salem, as follows:

Section 1.  Article II of Chapter 32 entitled “City Marshal” is hereby amended by deleting Section 32-46 in its entirety and replacing it with the following:
“Sec. 32-46. Qualifications of City Marshal; Selection; Appointment.
(a) Qualifications of City Marshal.  
Upon removal of the position of City Marshal from civil service status, the City Marshal shall be selected by the Mayor in accordance with City Ordinance and shall have the following minimum qualifications, in addition to those developed by the assessment process provided in section (b):
(1) The City Marshal shall be a law enforcement professional with a minimum of 15 years’ experience in federal, state, county, municipal or military policing, no less than five of which shall be in a progressively responsible law enforcement management position;
(2) The City Marshal shall have a master's degree or a four-year degree in criminal justice or a related field;
(3) The requirements for formal education provided in (2) above may be waived for candidates with a minimum of 15 years of progressively responsible law enforcement management experience as long as they possess an associate's degree, or with a minimum of 20 years progressively responsible law enforcement management experience as long as they possess a high school diploma;
(4) Preference shall be given to candidates who a) have experience in law enforcement within the Salem Police Department or a multi-cultural urban municipality with a population of 30,000 or more residents and b) have successfully completed any of the nationally recognized police leadership programs, such as the FBI National Academy;
(5) The City Marshal shall have experience, or a demonstrated ability, in the areas of financial management, budgeting, community policing, innovations in police operations, and information technology, as it pertains to law enforcement;
(6) The City Marshal shall have strong leadership and supervisory skills and possess sound interpersonal skills with regard to labor relations, community relations and intergovernmental relations; and
(7) The City Marshal shall have familiarity and demonstrated experience with state-of-the-art law enforcement practices, including staff development, training, community policing and use of crime data for deployment and decision-making.
(b) Selection; Appointment.
(1) The Mayor or his or her designee shall, in consultation with the purchasing agent, retain the services of a qualified recruitment and assessment contractor to develop selection criteria; recruit qualified candidates; and administer a selection process consisting of, without limitation, an assessment center, including both written and oral examination, and a psychological evaluation.  
The assessment contractor shall prepare a final report of the candidates assessed and provide a finalist list of not less than three unranked qualified candidates for the position of City Marshal to the Mayor and the Public Safety Leadership Advisory Committee, as set forth in section (3) below.  
(2) Any member of the Salem Police Department meeting the minimum qualifications described in above Section 32-46 (a), who submits an application for City Marshal, shall automatically be included in the assessment center process described in this section.
(3) The finalists for the position of City Marshal, as recommended by the selected assessment contractor, shall be reviewed by a nine member Public Safety Leadership Advisory Committee consisting of the following individuals:
(a) The Mayor or his or her designee;
(b) One member of the City Council appointed by the President of the Council;
(c) The City Solicitor;
(d) One member of the general public to be appointed by the Mayor;
(e) One representative of a non-profit human service agency that serves Salem to be appointed by the Mayor;
(f) One representative of a relevant public safety agency, such as the Essex County District Attorney’s Office, to be appointed by the Mayor;
(g) Two sworn officers of the Salem Police Department, one of whom shall be a member of the union representing patrol officers, elected by that body, and one of whom shall be a member of the union representing superior officers, elected by that body; and
(h) The Director of Human Resources.
(4) The Public Safety Leadership Advisory Committee shall interview and assess the qualifications of the recommended finalists and issue a report to the Mayor.
(5) The Mayor shall make the final appointment from the list of candidates assessed by the Public Safety Leadership Advisory Committee. Said appointment shall be subject to confirmation by a majority of the City Council.”
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect as provided by City Charter.

Councillor O’Keefe recused himself and left the Council Chambers due to Conflict of Interest.


The following Ordinance recommended by the Mayor, was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

In the year two thousand and fourteen

An Ordinance relative to the qualifications, selection and appointment of the Chief of the
                        Fire Department

Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Salem, as follows:

Section 1.  Article II, Division 2 of Chapter 20 entitled “Fire Chief” is hereby amended by deleting Section 20-71 in its entirety and replacing it with the following:
“Sec. 20-71. Qualifications of Chief of Fire Department; Selection; Appointment.
(a) Qualifications of Chief of Fire Department.  
Upon removal of the position of Chief of the Fire Department from civil service status, the Chief shall be selected by the Mayor in accordance with City Ordinance and shall have the following minimum qualifications, in addition to those developed by the assessment process provided in section (b):
(1) The Chief of the Fire Department shall be a fire safety professional with a minimum of 15 years’ experience in federal, state, county, municipal or military firefighting, no less than five of which shall be in a progressively responsible fire service management position;
(2) The Chief of the Fire Department shall have a bachelor's degree or an associate’s degree in fire science or a related field;
(3) The requirements for formal education provided in (2) above may be waived for candidates with a minimum of 15 years of progressively responsible fire service management experience as long as they possess an associate's degree, or with a minimum of 20 years progressively responsible fire service management experience as long as they possess a high school diploma;
(4) Preference shall be given to candidates who a) have experience in the fire service within the Salem Fire Department or a multi-cultural urban municipality with a population of 30,000 or more residents and b) have successfully completed the National Fire Academy Executive Officer Program or a Fire Chiefs of Massachusetts credentialing program;
(5) The Chief of the Fire Department shall have experience, or a demonstrated ability, in the areas of financial management, budgeting, fire safety, firefighting and prevention, innovations in firefighting and prevention, and information technology, as it pertains to the firefighting;
(6) The Chief of the Fire Department shall have strong leadership and supervisory skills and possess sound interpersonal skills with regard to labor relations, community relations and intergovernmental relations; and
(7) The Chief of the Fire Department shall have familiarity and demonstrated experience with state-of-the-art fire safety practices, including staff development, training and decision-making.
(b) Selection; Appointment.
(1) The Mayor or his or her designee shall, in consultation with the purchasing agent, retain the services of a qualified recruitment and assessment contractor to develop selection criteria; recruit qualified candidates; and administer a selection process consisting of, without limitation, an assessment center, including both written and oral examination, and a psychological evaluation.  
The assessment contractor shall prepare a final report of the candidates assessed and provide a finalist list of not less than three unranked qualified candidates for the position of Chief of the Fire Department to the Mayor and the Public Safety Leadership Advisory Committee, as set forth in section (3) below.  
(2) Any member of the Salem Fire Department meeting the minimum qualifications described in above Section 20-71(a), who submits an application for Chief of the Fire Department, shall automatically be included in the assessment center process described in this section.
(3) The finalists for the position of Chief of the Fire Department, as recommended by the selected assessment contractor, shall be reviewed by a nine member Public Safety Leadership Advisory Committee consisting of the following individuals:
(a) The Mayor or his or her designee;
(b) One member of the City Council appointed by the President of the Council;
(c) The City Solicitor;
(d) One member of the general public to be appointed by the Mayor;
(e) One representative of a non-profit human service agency that serves Salem to be appointed by the Mayor;
(f) One representative of a relevant public safety agency, such as the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services, to be appointed by the Mayor;
(g) Two sworn officers of the Salem Fire Department, both members of the union representing the fire fighters, elected by that body; and
(h) The Director of Human Resources.
(4) The Public Safety Leadership Advisory Committee shall interview and assess the qualifications of the recommended finalists and issue a report to the Mayor.
(5) The Mayor shall make the final appointment from the list of candidates assessed by the Public Safety Leadership Advisory Committee. Said appointment shall be subject to confirmation by a majority of the City Council.
(6) The Chief of the Fire Department shall have all the powers and shall perform all the duties imposed upon him or her by law.”
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect as provided by City Charter.

Councillor O’Keefe returned to the Chambers.


Councillor O’Keefe introduced the following Order which was adopted.

ORDER:  That the Tag Day Application for the Salem High School Cheerleading for 3/15/14 and 3/16/14 be granted


Councillor Turiel introduced the following Order which was adopted.

ORDERED: That the Monthly Financial Report dated January 31, 2014 be referred to the Committee on Administration and Finance.


Councillor Turiel introduced the following Order which was adopted.

ORDERED: That the Year to Date Budget Report dated January 31, 2014 be referred to the Committee on Administration and Finance.


Councillor Turiel introduced the following Order which was adopted.

ORDERED: That the Year to Date Budget Report dated February 28, 2014 be referred to the Committee on Administration and Finance.


        Councillor Eppley introduced the following Order which was adopted.

        ORDERED: That the Director of Park, Recreation and Community Services raise the Irish Flag at Riley Plaza on March 14, 15, 16, & 17th, 2014 in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

#176 – (#148 - #149) GRANTING LICENSES

Councillor O’Keefe offered the following report for the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs. It was voted to accept the report and adopt the recommendation.

The Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of granting certain licenses has considered said matter and would recommend that the following license be granted

SECOND HAND                     
VALUABLE                                Salem Loan & Jewelry, 133 Washington St., Salem

TAG DAYS                                S.H.S. Boy’s Spring Track, March 23, 2014 & April 5, 2014



        Councillor Legault offered the following report for the Committee on Community and Economic Development co-posted with the Committee of the Whole. It was voted to accept the report and adopt the recommendation.

The Committee on Community and Economic Development co-posted with the Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the matter of the Community Benefits Agreement with Mohegan Sun has considered said matter and would recommend that the matter remain in committee.

Councillor O’Keefe assumed the Chair.


Councillor McCarthy offered the following report for the Committee of the Whole.  It was voted to accept the report and adopt the recommendation.

Councillor McCarthy resumed the Chair.

Councillor O’Keefe recused himself and left the Chambers.

Councillor Legault motion to refer the matter back to the Committee was defeated by roll call voted of 3 yeas, 7 nays, 1 absent. Councillors Famico, Legault and Turiel voted in the affirmative. Councillors Eppley, Furey, Gerard, Milo, Sargent, Siegel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the negative. Councillor O’Keefe was recorded as absent.

A motion for immediate reconsideration in the hopes it does not prevail was denied.

On the motion to adopt the recommendation of the Committee it was adopted by a roll call vote of 9 yeas, 1nay, 1 absent. Councillors Eppley, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, Sargent, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy were recorded as voting in the affirmative. Councillor Famico was recorded as voting in the negative. Councillor O’Keefe was recorded as absent.

The Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the matter of a Home Rule Petition to remove current Civil Service restrictions when selecting future Police and Fire Chiefs has considered said matter and would recommend it be reported out to full council with a negative recommendation.

Councillor O’Keefe returned to the Chambers

Councillor O’Keefe assumed the Chair.


A request from Angelman Syndrome Foundation to hold a walk on May 17, 2014 was held for further information.

Councillor McCarthy resumed the Chair.


The following license applications were granted.

PUBLIC GUIDES           March Gauthier, 40 Oak Avenue, Peabody

TAXI OPERATORS          Guillermo Javier, 78 Rainbow Ter., Salem
                                Juan Lopez, 24 Tracey St., Peabody
                                Mario Rosario, 12 Mason St., Salem
                                Felipito Guzman, 6 Grant St., Beverly
                                Martino Santana, 56 Harbor St., Salem
                                Santo Ozoria, 9 Prince St. Pl., Salem
                                Jesus Rosario, 42 park St., Salem
                                Jose Cerda, 3 Center St., Peabody
                                Juan Roman, 24 Ward St. Salem
                                 Rodriguez Evangelis, 114 Central St., Peabody
                                Martin Ozoria, 10 Porter St., Salem
                                Roberto Pacheco, 26 Mill St., Danvers
                                Jonathan Delossantos, 5 Oakwood Ave., Lynn      


The following license applications were referred to the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs.

SEAWORM                         Luis Dos Santos, 57 Central St., Peabody

SECOND HAND                     Hedringten’s, 61 Wharf St., Salem


The following Drainlayer/Contract Operator license applications were granted.

                The Dow Company, Inc.  1112 Broadway Rd, Dracut
                A-Rooter-Man, 3 Perkins St., Peabody
                Marois Brothers, Inc., 115 Blackstone River Rd., Worcester
                Larkin & Larkin Development Corp., 709 Lowell St., Methuen

#185 - #188 CLAIMS

The following claims were referred to the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs.  
                                        W. Drew Hoffman, 49 Crestwood Rd., Marblehead
                                        Kevin McElroy, 18 Davida Rd., Burlington
                                        Paul DiBenedetto, 27 Clark St., Boston
SUBROGATED                      Amica Insurance, Po Box 9690, Providence, RI

#189 - #191 BONDS
The following Bonds were referred to the Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs and returned approved.

DRAINLAYER:             The Dow Company, Inc.  1112 Broadway Rd, Dracut
                Marois Brothers, Inc., 115 Blackstone River Rd., Worcester
                Larkin & Larkin Development Corp., 709 Lowell St., Methuen

Councillor O’Keefe assumed the chair.


        The matter of second and final passage of an Ordinance relative to the Salary Compensation of the Mayor was then taken up. It was adopted for second and final passage by roll call vote of 10 yeas, 1 nays, 0 absent. Councillors Eppley, Famico, Furey, Gerard, Legault, Milo, O’Keefe, Siegel, Turiel and McCarthy. Councillor Sargent was recorded as voting in the negative.

On the motion of Councillor McCarthy the meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.

ATTEST:                                 CHERYL A. LAPOINTE
                                                        CITY CLERK